Avoid the High Risk of Acid Blockers
Problems That May Develop Include: Possible B12 deficiency Magnesium deficiency Increased risk of Clostridia infection Increased risk of pneumonia Increased risk of hip, wrist and spine fracture Increased weight gain Severe reaction with Plavix Increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease Increased risk of death after hospitalization What Does JAMA Recommend? Because of these risks The […]
Back to the Pool – Chlorine Detox Protocol
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Are you heading back to a chlorinated swimming pool for your workouts? Do you like to sit in a hot Jacuzzi? Do you and your children love going to the water parks? My husband, Bill, and I enjoy the swimming pool for a work out. Swimming is great exercise but we have concerns about the […]
From Breast Cancer to ADHD to Thyroid Disease – Discovering and Correcting the Hidden Link
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The Hidden Link Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer, ADHD, Skin Disease and Thyroid Disease often share a very interesting and frequently overlooked condition. All of these serious health challenges have been associated with poor iodine status. 1 Does this surprise you? It did me. Iodine Levels Affect Many Tissue Types Although low iodine […]