All Things are Possible
"Knowing how powerful thoughts and intentions are was an awakening … [More]
Feeling Fabulous
Another delightful email came to Adam in our office from one of … [More]
Aligning Body and Spirit
Our friend and client sent us this testimonial about her success … [More]
Take Control of Your Family’s Health
So many of us assume that we're at the mercy of microbes, germs … [More]
Baby Benefits
When one of our patients brought in her little baby boy for colic … [More]
Healthy Lifestyle

To Keep an Open Heart | slide presentation
This slideshow addresses the health implications of keeping an open and loving mental-emotional state and offers tools to help achieve one.
More Healthy Lifestyle
Clinical Perspectives

Telomeres, How Long are Yours?
Telomeres are important because without them, your chromosomes are wide open to damage, disrepair, and ultimate destruction. Without healthy chromosomes, your cells won’t reproduce as they should. Tissue repair is compromised and the body’s ability to renew itself breaks down. I’m sure you can guess where that leads.
More Clinical Perspectives
Featured Posts

Straightening Scoliosis With Chiropractic and Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils
GREAT NEWS for children and adults with scoliosis! Here is the story. One of my patients, a 12 year old female is a wonderful, active, young person. She came in yesterday with her Mom and Sister. We have been treating her for scoliosis Since … [Continue Reading...]

Is Mercola Right to Embrace Coffee?
It is true, as Dr. Mercola cites, that there is significant research demonstrating the benefits of coffee to our health. Personally though, I still have reservations about recommending it to you for health reasons, particularly if you are a woman. … [Continue Reading...]

From Breast Cancer to ADHD to Thyroid Disease – Discovering and Correcting the Hidden Link
The Hidden Link Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer, ADHD, Skin Disease and Thyroid Disease often share a very interesting and frequently overlooked condition. All of these serious health challenges have been associated with poor … [Continue Reading...]