This slideshow addresses the health implications of keeping an open and loving mental-emotional state and offers tools to help achieve one.
Telomeres, How Long are Yours?
Telomeres are important because without them, your chromosomes are wide open to damage, disrepair, and ultimate destruction. Without healthy chromosomes, your cells won’t reproduce as they should. Tissue repair is compromised and the body’s ability to renew itself breaks down. I’m sure you can guess where that leads.
Rebounding for Better Lymphatic Health
Want better health? Try rebounding. Dr. Pat explains how rebounding provides an easy and fun way to address this critical but often overlooked aspect of health conditioning that almost anyone can do.
SpectraCell’s Comprehensive Nutrition Panel
Omega-3 Ver 2.0
You are probably already aware of the importance of Omega-3 essential fatty acids to your health. From controlling inflammation, maintaining brain, respiratory, reproductive, joint, immune, and skin health, to cardiovascular health, Omega 3s are a must. Introducing an Exciting New Source of Omega-3s HOLLY HOUSE has long carried high quality Omega 3 supplements to help […]
Top 10 Beginning Rebounder Tips
VAP, This test could save your life.
HOLLY HOUSE is now pleased to offer an exciting new cholesterol test called the VAP test. The VAP Cholesterol Test identifies the types of LDL and HDL you have in your blood. With a simple blood test, you will learn how much of your LDL is of the small and dense type and how much of your HDL is of the super protective type.
Announcing Super 2nd Wednesdays
Get super pricing on high quality professional supplement brands on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
Avoid the High Risk of Acid Blockers
Extra Fat Tranforms Testosterone to Estradiol
It is so important for men to keep their weight within optimal ranges as they age. Many aging males experience decreased testosterone levels, now associated with declining health. Typical symptoms include decreasing vigor, loss of muscle strength and power, decreased bone density, depression, erectile dysfunction, thinning skin, and decreased concentration and cognitive performance. They will […]